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Signs, a van and kitten taints.

4 way stops. This should be the first thing they teach and the deciding factor on all driving tests. I lived in Saudi Arabia where they had no road signs and all male drivers. Thus the mentality “the bigger you are, the more right of way you have” equaled mayhem and inferiority complexes. Inshallah! This is America! We are better than that. Do we have to put up a sign at each 4 way stop presenting the logic of “right goes first” in a cartoon like fashion. Perhaps with those cartoon IKEA figures. If those Swedes can walk me through setting up my MDF bed frame they should be able to navigate drivers to avoid a 4 way stop death sequence. Car on right goes first people or can you not put that Swedish IKEA footstool together either?

Who decides to drive an ice cream truck that isn’t pedaling drugs? No one looks at an ice cream truck and thinks.. “tasty drumsticks, and rocket popsicles – hells to the yeh!!” They think.. “Big Worm” or “didn’t I see Chris Hanson give that guy some sweet tea?” and who needs the added stress of those stereotypes placed upon them just to make an extra buck off of sweaty kids with jam hands. An “ice cream truck” was just on my ass driving all the way back to work. Let me correct that…an “ice cream Van!” A Van? I don’t want your shag carpeting fibers in my ice cream sandwich there Mr. Tambourine man. I lost him at the 4 way stop cause I was on the right bitches!!!!

I don’t think a person’s likeability factor should be summed up by the sound they make walking, but I didn’t make the rules. Just because while at work I walk like I am floating on a cloud made of soft kitten taints doesn’t make me awesome it just enhances that fact. But flip flop girl who wears ones made out of rubber bands and the souls of children simply to mock my existence with every loud floppy rubber band soul stealing step you take… you are not likable. I hate the sound her walk makes with the power of a thousand burning suns. I bet I could hear her walking from space. At least in space I would be dead.


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